Creative Splendor: Japanese Bamboo Baskets from the Thoma Collection is a series of three installations of approximately fifteen baskets each that will survey the outstanding accomplishments of Japanese basket makers active since the nineteenth century to the present day from three regions of Japan: The Kansai region, which encompasses the ancient capital, Kyoto; the Kanto region, which stretches westward from Tokyo; and the southernmost island of Kyushu. The exhibition demonstrates the specific techniques and styles of cutting and weaving bamboo that are particular to each of these geographic regions.
Creative Splendor: Japanese Bamboo Baskets from the Thoma Collection

Chikubōsai II Maeda, Untitled
Artists Included:
Shōkosai I Hayakawa, Aiko Tanioka, Shigeo Tanioka, Shōkosai V Hayakawa, Chikubōsai II Maeda, Waichisai I Wada, Takesonosai Higashi, Jōzan Sugita, Ranpōsai Noguchi, Chikuunsai IV Tanabe, Chikuhō Minoura