Collecting in the Age of Futurity
August 31, 2016 |
Friday, September 23, 2016 12 – 1 p.m. EXPO Chicago RSVP Required here
CHICAGO, IL – Thoma Foundation founder Carl Thoma joins writers, collectors and curators of digital art in conversation at EXPO Chicago on Friday, September 23 at 12 p.m.
“Collecting in the Age of Futurity” will be chaired by Manilow Senior Curator at the Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago and 2016 Arts Writing Awards in Digital Art selection committee member, Omar Kholeif with curators Christiane Paul, 2016 Arts Writing Award in Digital Art recipient, Adjunct Curator of New Media Arts, Whitney Museum and Associate Professor and Associate Dean at The New School’s Media Studies Department, and Aram Moshayedi, Curator at the Hammer Museum, Los Angeles, and collectors Anita Zabludowicz and Carl Thoma.
The panelists will discuss their collective role in pioneering collecting media and digital based artwork. What does it mean to collect in the twenty first century as the form, shape and media of art continues to shift? How we do we assess value and contribute to the discourse of complex art forms that have emerged since the advent of the internet as a concept in the mid 1960s? What role can collectors play in this master narrative, and how can they empower artists and the institutions of tomorrow?
“Collecting in the Age of Futurity” is presented as part of EXPO’s Exchange by Northern Trust: An Interactive Conversation Around the Art of Collecting program.