Where to Find Us

Plan your visit to our Dallas or Santa Fe exhibition spaces.

Our Collection on Tour

Explore our works currently on exhibition.


Learn more about our personal approach to our collection-related grants and fellowships.

Thoma Scholars Program

Broadening access to higher education for promising rural students.

Our Collections

The Carl & Marilynn Thoma Foundation collection includes over 1,700 works of art in four broad fields. The collection continues to grow, and work from the collection is displayed at our exhibition spaces in Santa Fe and Dallas and lent to exhibition venues around the world.

“We collect to share with the public. The artworks we seek are pieces of history. We support initiatives and collect works of art that encourage reflection, demonstrate innovation, and encourage deeper questions.”

A portrait of a white man smiling, wearing a black suit jacket and white button down shirt in front of a beige background.
Carl Thoma, Founder & President